Diesel Knuckle Booms & Telescopic booms

No concrete slab down where your needing to work, or wanting to reach up and over a structure? No worries because thats what a Rough terrain knuckle boom is perfect for. Not only can the machine be raised vertically, it also has fantastic horizontal reach. At 12m high you can reach out 9m (based off our 16m Knuckle Boom)

If 4-wheel drive is not enough, how about 4 wheel steering. With the toggle of a switch you can utilise both sets of axles to help you manoeuvre the knuckle boom into a difficult space.

Installing concrete walls or structural steel then our all-terrain knuckle booms are perfect. Utilising the horizontal reach you can position the knuckle boom outside of the panel supports, to reach up and over to where your wanting to work. These Knuckle booms can also be driven while at full height.

 ProductSpec sheetWorking heightSafe working loadWeightPlatform lengthPlatform width
16M Rough terrain knuckle boom 16m 230kgs 6850kgs .8m 1.8m
18m rough terrain knuckle boom 17.2m 230kgs 8050kgs .8m 1.8m
23m Rough terrain telescopic boom 22.5m 230kgs 13320kgs .91m 2.44m
22m Rough terrain telescopic Boom 22m 240kg-340Kg 11494kg 2.44m 0.91m